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  • How can I be sure you are doing everything you say you will in order to select the most suitable candidates?
    Our recruitment methods are completely transparent, we explain our entire processes from minute one and stand by them, we even invite clients to visit our branches to see first-hand how we interview our candidates.
  • We have an on-site induction that all candidates must complete before starting work, Are you involved with this process?
    Yes, we already offer this service to a large number of our clients, the way we see it is that by us learning the induction programme effectively not only does it take a job away from our clients but it also gives us an opportunity to see and learn more about the business in ways we wouldn’t be able to normally.
  • Will I be charged for a service I don’t need?
    No, we aim to visit every client prior to discussing individual requirements so that we can select the most suitable service features that best fit your business needs. This ensures that you are only being charged for a service you have chosen.
  • What makes you different?
    Recruitus was established due to increasing issues within the industry, we identified common complaints and frustrations from both a candidate and client perspective and we have made a difference. So far we have assisted in securing candidates into placements in the Midlands both on a temporary and permanent basis.
  • What do you have in place for liabilities - as an employer I'm interested in how you cover emergencies (no shows, illnesses, work visas etc) what exactly do you do that is over and above?
    We have a 24 hour operational mobile phone which is manned for staff to call in sick, tell us they are late etc. As soon as we have this information we will then take the appropriate action and call through available staff and ask them to make their way into work. We will agree a time frame which is then fed back to appropriate managers. Upon registration staff are asked to give us a minimum of one hours’ notice on absences failing to follow these guidelines means they may lose their position at the company. For no shows this is slightly harder to manage as we have no notice on this, some companies we service ask us to send in extra staff per day in case this happens and this also allows us to have cover for their own staff sickness etc also. Throughout we ensure that communication with managers/supervisors/teamleaders is our main priority. This enables us to all work with full transparency as a partnership with the main aim to maximise to companies productivity. Right to work checks are carried out in guidance with the UK law, we use the checking services for non uk nationals prior to registration. Internal company compliance has to be authorised be anyone can be used so there always constant audits internally.
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